
Posts Tagged ‘stir of echoes’

My Halloween Essentials

In classic movies, Ghost Stories, horror films on October 31, 2011 at 7:10 pm

Just to get in the mood, these are my horror/Halloween movie musts:

Halloween-themed movies

Sleepy Hollow
Trick R Treat
The Nightmare Before Christmas

Ghost Stories

Stir of Echoes
The Sixth Sense
Monster House
The Gift

Vampire movies

Let The Right One In/Let Me In
The Lost Boys
Interview With The Vampire
Fright Night (1985)*



This list will change repeatedly, I’m sure. What do you think of these picks?

*I still haven’t seen the Fright Night remake!


Geek of all Trades Presents: A Salute To Halloween!!! Part 1

In films, Ghost Stories, My Geek Top 100 list on October 16, 2010 at 2:20 pm

I’m a bit of a wuss when it comes to what is now considered to be “horror film.” I can’t get into plotless gorefests that exist just to give you gore. I want a story, and I would prefer that the story be a good one.

For the reason stated above, and because I am really into Halloween this year, I’m going to do a series of entries on my favorite movies that I connect with Halloween. The list will vary in genre. In any case, I hope that it gives you something to think about at the very least.

“Stir of Echoes” (1999) was seen by practically no one when it ran in theaters. I only saw it because I worked in a theater at the time and could see it for free. It’s a shame that it still hasn’t found a wider audience. I would say that it’s one of the most wrongfully overlooked horror/suspense films of all time. It’s a rare, thoughtful ghost story, with a plot that is both direct and somewhat complex. I’m going to just give you a brief synopsis here, in the hope that you’ll seek it out for yourself!

Tom Witzky (Kevin Bacon) is a blue-collar father and husband living in Chicago’s Logan Square neighborhood. He thinks nothing of it when his son Jake (Zachary David Cope) talks to himself in the bathtub. But when his sister-in-law Lisa hypnotizes him at a party, strange things start happening to Tom, and Jake may just know something about it. His wife Maggie (Kathryn Erbe) is left to wonder and worry as the two men in her life continue to act stranger and stranger.

David Koepp adapted the screenplay from a story by Richard Matheson (I Am Legend, Somewhere In Time), and also directed this delightful spook story that pays loving tribute to Chicago as its well-woven narrative unwinds. There are some jump moments, and some of the images are a little extreme, but if you’re used to fare like the “Saw” series, you won’t be phased. “Stir of Echoes” is blessedly short – according to my DVD, it runs 94 minutes. Get a copy however you can.