
Posts Tagged ‘jonathan nolan’

The Dark Knight Rises – possible casting news

In Batman, Christopher Nolan films, comic books, DC films on November 3, 2010 at 1:26 am

Unsubstantiated reports suggest that Charlize Theron is up for the role of Detective Sarah Essen in “The Dark Knight Rises.” Essen was a central character in Frank Miller’s “Batman: Year One” graphic novel and later in the regular Batman comic series. Jim Gordon and Sarah Essen fall in love and eventually get married. Vera Farmiga is said to be under consideration for the role of Julie Madison, Bruce Wayne’s fiancĂ©e whom he never marries. Julie Madison appeared in the earliest Detective Comics stories, circa 1939-1940.

I think that this is great news. Both of these ladies are very engaging and would be well cast in these roles! Now who is Hardy playing???

Batman 3 has a name!!! And NO Riddler!!!

In Batman, Christopher Nolan films, comic books, DC films on October 27, 2010 at 6:40 pm

This is the kind of news that makes me extremely happy. I have been a huge Batman fan for most of my life. I feel that Nolan’s first two Batman films are on par with Batman: The Animated Series as the greatest interpretations of Batman and his world outside of comic book form. Today, I learned that the title of Nolan’s third Batman film will be The Dark Knight Rises. This is a logical title to me. The end of The Dark Knight saw Batman accept the burden of blame for Harvey Dent’s crimes. In doing so, only then did he become “The Dark Knight.” There is nowhere for Batman to go but up. I feel Nolan will go for an optimistic, hopeful feeling similar to what he left us with at the end of “Batman Begins,” but with a more certain feeling that Batman will emerge as Gotham’s true hero. There will be a sense that he won’t need to shoulder an unnecessary and untrue burden to keep the flame of hope alive in his city. He will rise, establishing his resilience as a character. At least that’s my hope/prediction/speculation.

The news also came out today that The Riddler is not the villain. I’m so elated to know this. I personally don’t like the character, and I think it would have made for a boring movie. Tom Hardy is already cast, and I’m hoping he will play Bane. To force Batman to face and suffer defeat at the hands of a physically unstoppable opponent would give room for a more triumphant return and resolution.

My only other hope for this movie is that they shoot at least part of it in Chicago. I selfishly want to be an extra. Let’s just hope…

*update – Regular Nolan film-scorer Hans Zimmer is again doing the music. No word on James Newton Howard’s involvement.