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Supergirl 1.2 Thoughts

In DCTV Shows, Superhero TV shows on November 3, 2015 at 10:53 pm

A week after the events of the pilot, Supergirl finds that she doesn’t know everything. In fact, she makes her share of mistakes. Meanwhile, Cat Grant is demanding that her staff land a Supergirl interview to pull the Tribune ahead of the Daily Planet. She leans hard on Olsen to do this. Kara undergoes fight training with Alex to better hone her skills, while Henshaw seems to be hiding something. In the midst of all of this, Kara’s Kryptonian aunt Astrid reveals herself, and battles Kara.

While not quite as exciting as last week, this is still a great episode. Cat reveals that she started as Perry White’s assistant at the Daily Planet before breaking out as a gossip columnist. Clark Kent and Lois Lane are mentioned. More importantly, the story does go through some feminist perspectives, although certain parts do risk becoming heavy-handed if not handled well. 

I recommend Supergirl wholeheartedly. Go catch up now.