
Posts Tagged ‘Catwoman’

Avengers v. Batman: the pointless debate

In Batman, Christopher Nolan films, comic books, DC films, films, Marvel films, Superhero Films on May 5, 2012 at 2:23 pm

Pardon me while I step onto my soapbox.

Fanboys, as I have said before, are an irritating bunch. I’m not talking about myself or others like me. I’m talking about the ones who, upon seeing a newly released still from a film, say things like “That costume f*%#ing sucks! This movie blows!” This same group likes to flop between liking or hating particular movies, directors, actors, etc. because they think it’s “cool” at the moment. These fanboys are currently blowing up an argument over whether just-released “The Avengers” is better than the upcoming “The Dark Knight Rises.” This debate is beyond ridiculous. I’m sorry, but that’s a lot like saying, “This Five Guys Burger is better than that Prime Rib.” Do you see where I’m going with this? The two are not similar.

Just to be clear, I’m not completely biased toward “The Dark Knight Rises.” if you know me at all, you know my passion for Batman, as well as my love for the first two Christopher Nolan movies. I really respect what Marvel has accomplished with their recent movies, though. I have enjoyed all of the movies leading up to “The Avengers,” and the payoff was worth it. The finale of “The Avengers” felt like a fitting reward for sticking around since “Iron Man” first teased this culmination of superhero powerhouses. I have to say, though, that the Avengers hype is well out of hand. Marvel fanboys are already touting it as the “best superhero/comic book movie ever.” I think that this is a huge exaggeration. “The Avengers” has some great dialogue and character interaction, but the first hour or so of the movie is pretty boring. The middle act plays out awkwardly. As I mentioned earlier, the final battle was the best part. In my opinion, as a 30+ year reader of comic books, I would put Avengers behind “Superman: The Movie,” “Batman Begins,” “The Dark Knight,” “Captain America: The First Avenger,” and “X-Men: First Class,” if we were to rank comic book superhero adaptations. I would even put the first “Spider-Man” on par with it.(Don’t get me started on how overrated “Spider-Man 2” is.)

Having said all of that, I want to make clear that I’m not comparing these movies to each other. I’m simply rating them on how true to their source material they are, and how closely the characters on screen match their comic book counterparts. I maintain that the goal in making “The Avengers” is much different than the goal in making “The Dark Knight Rises.” This idea of Marvel vs. DC is preposterous. The films in the Avengers series play out like classic single-issue comics. Nolan’s Batman saga is structured like a classical drama. Does it verge on melodrama? Yes…deliciously so. So far in the Dark Knight series, we have a first act that is all exposition, with a middle act that is all rising action. The third act has the difficult job of bringing the story to its best conclusion. No matter what the quality will be, I think that the film that Nolan and company will deliver will be a far, far cry from the type of movie that “The Avengers” is. You know what? THAT’S OKAY.

See you in July. The fire rises.

