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My “Best of Film” 2013 edition: “Pacific Rim”

In films, reviews, science fiction films on December 15, 2013 at 4:52 pm


Kids of my generation will likely remember “Voltron,” “Robotech,” “Tranzor-Z,” and other cartoons that involved battle robots piloted by humans. I always dreamed of piloting a Voltron lion or a Macross fighter. The generation right behind me had something similar in live-action in the form of “Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers.” There is something appealing about being able to command a gigantic avatar that can potentially destroy all of your problems, or so it would seem.

I wasn’t ready for how much I would love “Pacific Rim.” I never thought that a movie could capture that excitement I knew as a kid and build upon it. Wouldn’t ya know it? That’s exactly what I experienced.

In 2013, gigantic creatures called Kaiju begin rising from the ocean to attack coastal cities all over the world. After seeing how difficult these creatures are to subdue and kill, the governments of the world unite and begin pooling their resources to begin the Jaeger program. Jaegers are robots that are several stories tall, and they require 2 pilots due to the extreme mental load required to use them properly. Each pilot represents a hemisphere of the “brain.” The two pilots must be able to bond, or “drift,” well together when they are mentally connected to their Jaeger.

The first battle we witness in great detail involves the Becket brothers, and their Jaeger, the Gipsy Danger. part of the fun here is that these guys are not far removed from Top Gun pilots, complete with logo bomber jackets. The Jaegers even sport nose art similar to an old fighter plane.

Impulsive younger brother Raleigh is itching to see action, while older brother Yancy is a bit more weary of the danger ahead. They face off against the largest Kaiju to date, and in the course of battle, Yancy is nripped out of Gipsy Danger and killed by the Kaiju.

We then see that, years later, the world governments have voted to discontinue the Jaeger program, much to the dismay of the program head, Stacker Pentecost (GREAT NAME!). Raleigh is working on building one of several coastal walls being constructed to keep the Kaiju out. Pentecost has a hail Mary-type plan, and he seeks out Raleigh to bring him back into the fold.

I won’t spoil anymore here for those who want to seek this movie out. Just know that this is pure fun, well-paced action from visionary director Guillermo del Toro. He uses a lighter touch here, but there is still a definite emotional connection to the main characters. I enjoy that he builds a whole world within a reasonably-lengthed movie. The effects are absolutely fantastic. The Kaiju seem appropriately threatening, while the Jaegers are exciting to watch, Each one bears a unique design, reflecting both its home nation and the personalities of its pilots. Idris Elba is always great to watch, and his authoritative turn as Pentecost is a lot of fun to behold. He delivers one of the great cheese lines ever, and it almost made me cheer out loud on my first viewing. Charlie Hunnam as Raleigh carries the leading man role very well. He doesn’t overdo anything, and it works. Rinko Kikuchi is beautiful, and she gives the story a bit more emotional depth.

To sum up, stuff blows up real good, but this movie has more to it than just that. If you give yourself over to it, I’m sure you will be entertained. This is, by far, the most fun movie I’ve seen this year. I would love to see a sequel, but only if it’s at least as good as this one.

“Pacific Rim” is available on Blu-Ray and DVD.