
Why I geek – Movie edition

In Batman, classic movies, comic books, DC films, Superhero Films on May 12, 2011 at 10:22 pm

It was June 23, 1989. My friend David had arranged for his mom to take a station wagon full of kids to the movies. This alone was exciting enough to 13-year-old me, as our town had no movie theater, and we had to drive 30 minutes to the nearest one. The trips to the movie theater were few and far between, but they were highly memorable. But this one…THIS one…wow. Someone was smart enough to take my favorite superhero and adapt him to film using the darker stories of the 1980s as a guide. That someone was Tim Burton. The hero was BATMAN.

I believe there were five of us – David, myself, Aaron, Dan, and Clint – plus David’s younger sister and mom, all piled in. I was in the back, being the kid in our group who was picked on the most, and also the most passive. That was okay, because David had bought the official souvenir magazine of the movie, and it was in the back with me. I found brilliance in the use for an armor suit for Batman. I mean, how else was Michael Keaton going to be convincing in the role? I remember geeking hard over the Batmobile. Batman’s car was always cool, but never like this… and the Joker!!! It seemed like brilliant casting, right up until that Ledger guy came along…

We made a stop at the mall. It was like Batman blew up in the middle of the thing!!! T shirts, posters, toys, books…THIS was the beginning of movie merchandising as we know it today. I walked out with a t shirt for me, as well as one for my sister. I think I also grabbed the movie soundtrack…

Then it HAPPENED. I was sucked in from the first frame I saw. Gotham City was so bleak, and it had this gothic edge that was fascinating and creepy all at once. Bruce Wayne was a deeply disturbed man who in many ways never grew up. Alfred was the stalwart father figure. The Joker was a true maniac. Any memory I had of the Adam West TV show was temporarily wiped away! (The less said about Commissioner Gordon, the better!) The action was unique and exciting! The story built to a pounding climax! And Danny Elfman’s score has never completely left my ears since that day…

This started it. Every summer since then, I look forward to seeing if a movie will catch my imagination. This summer looks very promising, what with Thor being a very cool movie, and with several others looking to have potential. If you go to these movies, look for me. I’ll be the guy in the nerdy shirt.


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